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To Read the whole blog follow this link: FIRST RIDE COWBOY COLLECTION featuring THE REAL MCCOY by Sabrina York
THE MARINES HAVE LANDED! MARINE RAIDERS AND MY NEW SERIES!Howdy! I am so excited about my new 4 MARINES FOR HISTORY series. This series is special to me because it led me to what I need to be writing and that’s Marines. It also led me to firefighters, but that’s another story. So, while there are only four stories in this series, there will be many more Marine Raiders to come from my computer. But for now, I’m thrilled to bring you Travis, Dirk, Logan, and Sam! H Here’s a brief look at MARSOC versus Force Recon and a look at the first three in the new series. I’m giving away an e-copy of each of the first three books. For a chance to win all you have to do is comment with your name and which e-book you would like if you won. For many years the Marine Corps was not a part of SOCOM (Special Operations Command), choosing to keep all factions of the Marines under Marine command. After 9/11, and the U.S. sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, more irregular warriors were needed for the campaigns in those areas of operation. By 2006, the Marines were prepared to stand up a special operations command, MARSOC (Marine Special Operations Command). Immediately, MARSOC Marines adopted the famed WWII Raider insignia. It took until 2014 for the name Raider to be officially adopted by MARSOC. Now, because they are a relatively new command, some confuse their mission with the Force Recon. Raiders and Recon are not the same. When the initial MARSOC was stood up, they pulled from both Recon Companies since these were the Marines with the capabilities necessary to quickly fill this role. However, Force Recon has since recovered and is completing its mission within the Corps. Raiders are the Marines’ Special Operations capable command. They operate under SOCOM, like the Navy SEALs and Army Special Forces, conducting irregular warfare and training allied commands in the same. A “small lethal expeditionary teams for global special operations. With tight-knit teams of agile and adaptable operators.” Recon operates under MAGTF (Marine Air-Ground Task Force) within the Marine Corps. They conduct missions in support of conventional operations. Only in recent months have the Raiders adopted a brand new insignia honoring the past, present, and future Raiders.
Gunnery Sergeant Travis McCabe and his fellow Marine Raiders have returned to Montana after years serving their country. They’re ready for a new life in historic preservation and restoration and continuing to serve as hotshot firefighters. Their first job restoring an old inn brings him near the Happy Day Orchard and even closer to the owner, Sophie Day. Sophie’s, I can do it all on my own attitude clashes with Travis’ white knight personality. What he doesn’t want to admit is he might need rescued, too. When threats to Sophie and her orchard heat up, Sophie and Travis will both have to let down their guards and ask for help, or risk losing each other. You can’t run from love when you’ve been cherry picked…
Marine Raider Dirk Tanner has faced numerous tours in war zones around the world, he never dreamed he’d face his toughest battle after returning home to Montana. But he’ll give everything he has to pull Jessie Brynn from the ashes of the past and into a future with him. He and his fellow Raiders built their company 4 MARINES FOR HISTORY to preserve and restore buildings, but Dirk’s heart has a greater mission… help Jessie rebuild her life. When love flares during a Montana summer things turn Cherry Hot…
JOINING FORCES FOR JESSIE takes place at the end of CHERRY HOT, before the last two chapters. It can definitely be read as a standalone, but if you want to attend Dirk and Jessie’s wedding you’ll have to read CHERRY HOT. 🙂
Jessie Brynn is alive after she believed her soul died two years ago on a mountain in Montana. She’s engaged to a man who knows how to keep her fire burning, and she’s accepted her calling as a smokejumper. With her first guests arriving, life is right on track. Somewhere in the wilderness an enemy seeks revenge. They don’t just want to see Jessie dead…they want to watch her burn. As a firestorm rips through the mountains, MARSOC, SEALs, and Delta Force will have to join forces for Jessie. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your interest in the 4 MARINES FOR HISTORY! I’m currently working on Logan’s story and loving it! Both Logan’s and Sam’s stories will be out in early 2017!
TEASER TUESDAY- IRON COWGIRLHere’s a peek at IRON COWGIRL that will be releasing later this week! IRON COWGIRL is book two in the TEN SLEEP DREAMING series! Michal sat at a corner table and released a deep breath after swallowing a drink of Outlaw Amber. She had a beer maybe twice a month, and the week she’d put in called for a one of those times to be that night. The Friday night local band playing at the Ten Sleep Brewery was playing some of the older country tunes, and the music from outside where the band played on the unique stage of the flatbed of the 1950s era truck floated over her as she chose a seat inside. She allowed herself the slightest smile at the twang of a Mark Chestnut classic, “Ol’ Country”. Only in her mind, instead of a country boy and city girl meeting up for a weekend tryst, it was a Wyoming gal and a very well put together city Marine getting together to set the sheets on fire. “Hey, Michal. You savin’ this chair for me?” The well put together Marine she’d been dreaming about slid into the chair opposite her wooden booth bench and winked before she could say yes or no. Michal rolled her eyes and sighed. She shouldn’t have let her fantasies run loose; somehow they’d conjured the subject of most of them since she’d spent the Fourth of July between his strong legs, his arms wrapped around her. He’d declared his intention to marry her when he bit into one of the chocolate chip cookies she’d brought. Instinct told her he was only half teasing. “Guess so.” Why she said that and not ‘go to hell’ she could only blame on the lack of desire to fight and the memory of his hand caressing her arm. She just wanted to relax, but at the moment, there wasn’t a relaxed muscle in her body. He leaned forward, and long blond eyelashes shielded the dark blue of his narrowed gaze. “You look beautiful tonight.” Her gaze dropped to the plain blue v-neck t-shirt top and her jeans. Plain brown boots finished the outfit. “Not your clothes, woman, you.” Michal kept her gaze lowered, hoping to hide how much his words hit right to her heart. “Kind of forward, City, for just one night watching fireworks.” “But not too early for nicknames. Okay, Lucky Charms.” She frowned and met his gaze so he could clearly see her displeasure. “What the hell does that mean?” He tipped his beer mug toward her chest where her horseshoe necklace rested. “Horseshoes, Irish heritage, makes sense. That’s how we do it in the Corps.” He leaned in closer, and his mouth curved in a wicked smile. “And I bet you are magically delicious.” Michal took a drink of the amber brew to hide her pleasure in the name. “Aren’t you supposed to be with Jared and Lucy?” “They’re out on a date, and her parents are watching Eli. I saw the big “BEER” sign like a beacon welcoming me home.” She laughed despite the silent vow she’d made that Nick wouldn’t get to her. “You wanna dance?” “Ummm?” “Come on, Lucky Charms, I’m not on one knee; I’m just asking for a dance.” He stood and held out a hand. Michal placed her hand in his and smiled as his large, calloused hand swallowed hers. He gave a tug, bringing her up. He didn’t let her hand go as he led her outside to an area cleared for dancing. He tugged her close, and she almost groaned as the band covered Doug Stone’s, “A Different Light”. It was a favorite of hers—the part of her wishing a man would see beyond the tough farrier to the woman who needed to be held just as Nick was holding her at that moment. She roped his neck with her arms and pressed close as he rested his hands on her hips, and they moved to music. She would enjoy this dance and this man holding her for the almost four minutes of the song. After the song, she’d point out a few of the women Lucy’s age, or Jared’s age. Nick must be about thirty-five like Jared since they were the same rank. He pulled her closer, and she felt all those iron muscles brushing against her. And when she inhaled deeply, his spicy scent acted like a drug, drawing her closer and leaving her aching for more. The night air was heavy, and the music swallowed them. They were in a darkened area, leaving Michal feeling like they were in their own world. He brushed a kiss on her forehead; Michal lifted her gaze to meet his, and her lips parted, inviting him to taste her. The last note played, and Michal broke from his arms. “I’ve gotta go. Thanks for the dance.” Copyright 2016 Kirsten Lynn ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author
I just found out it’s Chocolate Day!! So to celebrate I’m giving away THREE e-copies of CHOCOLATE COWBOY! All you have to do is tell me your favorite chocolate treat in the comments below to be entered to win! Go forth and enter!
Winners will be chosen by random selector Friday, July 8th!
Chocolate cowboys work for me!
![]() Coming home never tasted so sweet.
CHOCOLATE COWBOY SWEET GIVEAWAY WINNERS!!First, I would like to thank all for stopping by and asking questions!! You all made this a fun contest and I hope you had a bit of fun, too. Now to the reveal all those who won a prize. After putting all names into a random name picker… Kristin Le Ve’ –Winner of the $25 GC to the Meeteetse Chocolatier Tabatha — Swag package Renee York — e-copy of CHOCOLATE COWBOY Nancy Johnson — e-copy of CHOCOLATE COWBOY I’ll be emailing each of you, so please make sure you look for an email from Thanks again to all!! And CHOCOLATE COWBOY IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON AND B&N for 99 Cents for a limited time!!!! IT WILL BE AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE MONDAY MAY 2ND!! Meet Jared and Lucy and spend some time in Ten Sleep!
50 BRIDES FOR 50 STATES!! A PROJECT THAT’S HISTORY IN THE MAKING!Did you hear the news?! Forty-five authors came together to write 50 mail-order bride stories taking place in all 50 states (although a few were territories at the time). I’m so proud and excited to be a part of this!!
A common prequel is now available and will start each story. The year is 1890 and a textile mill in Massachusetts has burned to the ground leaving the women who worked there without employment or prospects. But hope springs eternal with an idea for many of the single women to become mail-order brides. Another exciting aspect of this project was many of us joined together in correspondence groups linking the stories of two to four of the women together. So, watch for name dropping and letters in each story to guide you to the various linked tales. (Here are those books attached to Gillian’s. We had the best group!) When are the books released? The prequel is already FREE on Amazon! Starting NOVEMBER 19th there will be a book released EVERYDAY through January 7, 2016! Many of the stories are already up for pre-order! Check them out on:! Additionally, many of the authors will have their stories in KU! Is there an order to read the stories? After the prequel, there is no set order to the books. Read away and enjoy!
The heat level for all the stories is PG! There is also a Sooper Prize! Beginning November 19th, readers may share the book of the day from the Facebook page and be entered into a Grand Prize drawing. At the end of the release period (January 7, 2016), a Kindle will be given away along with one ebook from each author’s list of books. So, on November 19th start sharing to win! NOTE: the books on the Kindle will not be the American Mail-Order Brides Series books. To find out more about the series and to see all the gorgeous covers visit: AMERICAN MAIL-ORDER BRIDE SERIES WEBSITE Or join us on Facebook at: AMERICAN MAIL-ORDER BRIDES SERIES My story, GILLIAN: BRIDE OF MAINE will release December 11th! But it is up for Pre-Order right now!! GILLIAN: BRIDE OF MAINE PRE-ORDER Gillian Darrow fled her father’s house in Maine before he could put his evil plans into action. Now the actions of another unscrupulous man have left her without employment and few prospects. Following in the footsteps of other women from the factory, Gillian decides to become a mail-order bride. The advertisement from a lighthouse keeper in Maine catches her eye, and Rhys Chermont’s letters catch her heart. She hopes the lighthouse keeper can guide her home. EXCERPT FROM THE AIR I BREATHE! (CAUTION BRING ICE AND A FAN…JACK IS HOT) !This takes place at a USO dance in Long Binh, Vietnam. Libby suspects she’s being hunted…and she’s right. 🙂 She turned and there he was. The song kicked over and captured her current situation in spades with the lines from Sam the Sham and the Pharohs’ Lil’ Red Ridin’ Hood. If she could remember how, she’d laugh at the irony. She’d only seen him for a few minutes on an airfield, and he looked like he’d swallowed sour grapes when she smiled at him, but here he was, his six-foot four frame parting the crowd swifter than Moses ever parted the Red Sea. He didn’t look particularly happy to see her. No, he looked…hungry. Every part of her being reacted. Her stomach tightened, and her skin heated to a temperature she was sure wasn’t healthy. Her heart thundered like incoming missiles, and she had the irrational need to rip off her clothes and rid her now oversensitive skinof the scratchy, heavy material. Lord, his eyes glowed an almost feral yellow and pinned her to her spot, challenging her to run at the same time his smile said he’d be thrilled with the hunt if she did. Unlike the squared away sailors, his midnight black hair ran to shaggy and unkempt. An olive green t-shirt and jacket stretched over sinewy muscle, but instead of camo bottoms black Levi’s hugged muscled thighs. He wasn’t going to ask her to dance. She ran her tongue over parched lips, and with a grunt, he was there, his mouth hot and hungry over hers, devouring her. Oh God, it was so good. When strong fingers dug into her bottom and brought her flush against him, she felt him hard and ready. Libby roped her arms around his neck and held on tight. His tongue swept her bottom lip, and she opened for him, moaning when his tongue tangled with hers in a slow, easy manner. He tasted of cigar, whiskey and the awful punch they served, but somehow, mixed with his unique flavor it was nectar of the gods. In the humid heat surrounding them, she heard raised voices demanding this man let her go. When his lips parted from hers she whispered, “Don’t let me go.” With a smile that said he owned her, he claimed her mouth again and dug those fingers deeper into the soft flesh of her buttocks until she was sure she’d be branded inside and out. She’d let a few boys kiss her and even fewer touch her like this, but she’d never surrendered herself to any man. Never wanted to until right now when she ached for this man to fill her and take what was his. Then, with a jolt, he was ripped from her. “Fuck! Knock it off, Cowboy.” “Get your goddamn hands off me, Hunter, or lose ‘em.” The other man, dressed similar to her SEAL, raised his hands in surrender. “It’s your ass, Cowboy. Here comes the Captain.” The mist lifted from Libby’s mind and her senses returned one by one. She pressed two fingers to her swollen lips, his taste still filling her mouth. Her gaze swung from one man to the next and then rested on the one called Cowboy as she tugged hem of her mini-dress in place. She opened her mouth, but shut it when he turned eyes now settled to a shade like warm caramel on her. “Your name?” There was urgency in his question and she gazed behind him to see an older man plowing through the crowd toward them. She grabbed his hand in hers like she could anchor him there. “Libby.” “Libby?” “Libby Boden.” With a sharp nod, he pressed his lips hard against hers and held her forehead against his. “Jack Kerr. And I’m gonna finish this someday, Libby Boden.” Copyright © 2015 Kirsten Lynn A new breed of warrior… An old soul and tender heart… Across three continents……In a world gone crazy these two might find all they need is the air they breathe and each other… COMING OCTOBER 20TH!!!
RIDIN’ FOR A FALL–HOW REAL LIFE FAMILY STARTED A SERIES!Friday, I attended a family reunion. As always when our family gets together the stories fly, some get a bit more interesting as time goes by. I also have the funniest cousins and one kept us in stitches and tears of laughter rolling down our face all evening. This time together reminded me of why I wanted to start a series about a Wyoming family, living, struggling, thriving, and surviving hardships all while holding tight to each other. Last week was the release of RIDIN’ FOR A FALL. Lena and Kyle have been with me for many years and I finally decided to share them and their loud, big, wonderful family with the world. ![]() Alt Boden (a name Morton went by in the show) is to the right of Bill Cody with the dark mustache and hair. Kyle and the other characters are based on cowboys and individuals I’ve known growing up and living in Wyoming. He’s the All American Cowboy… Kyle Allaway is riding tall as one-half of the greatest act in Frank Perry’s Wild West Show. He’s his own man far from Big Horn, Wyoming and the family who betrayed him driving him from his fondest dream…well at least one of his dreams… She’s the Sweetheart of the West… Lena Gowan is barely holding onto the reins. Tired of constant travel, the applause of the crowd means nothing to her. She longs to return to the ranch co-owned by the Gowan and Allaway families. To leave Kyle would mean walking away from her dearest friend and heart’s desire. Together they’ve been a team since childhood… When a surprise lands in Kyle’s arms, he’s forced to become two things he swore he’d never be… a father to a child born outside of marriage and Lena’s husband. His world continues to tumble when he takes his new family to the one place he both loves and hates … the A&G Ranch. As the world erupts in the Great War, the Allaways and Gowans face a battle years in the making. Kyle and Lena must hold tight to each other and fight internal questions and doubts and external forces seeking their destruction, or risk a fall that will knock them out of the saddle for good. Sometimes the safest place to fall…is in love… RIDIN’ KOBO BOOKS BUY BOOK BIRTHDAY FOR THE WIDOW’S LAWMAN!!Now available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Smashwords! Join Jake and Ellie on a wild ride! Outlaw Jake Avery is handed an ultimatum–hang for his crimes, or become the new Sheriff of Sheridan, Wyoming. When he chooses the life of a lawman, he doesn’t expect a local widow woman to tangle with his emotions. Ellie Reed needs Sheridan’s new sheriff to help her rob a train, and recover her late husband’s treasured property. She doesn’t expect the outlaw-turned-sheriff to steal her heart, as well. As the train barrels through Wyoming, Jake and Ellie plan a robbery to avenge the past. But can they heist a future together? EXCERPT: Ellie shifted on the hard seat of the ladderback chair and stiffened her spine. She laced her fingers together and squeezed one hand with the other to keep from landing a blow to the good Sheriff Jake Avery’s face. His large hands gripped the front of his desk as the waves of his laughter slapped against her. He’d blinked twice at her proposition to rob a train, and then… this…laughter, so deep his tight stomach rolled and teardrops rested on long dark–blond eyelashes. He even snorted a couple times. Refusing to let the insult of his laughter humble her, Ellie never allowed her gaze drop to her lap or shift from his face. If he thought her insane, he had cause—she’d give him that much. Over the past week, she’d called on Jake for everything from a cat stuck in a tree, one she’d chased up that tree, to a broken fence she said her neighbor cut allowing her cattle to scatter. Jake spent all day and well into the night helping her round up the cattle she’d let lose by cutting her own fence. These were just two of the awful things she’d done, all to test Jake’s patience, endurance and trustworthiness. And he’d passed. Oh, she’d noticed the tick in his clenched jaw, the looks toward the heavens, and clenched fists. But Jake was a man who saw a job through, no matter how frustrating or distasteful. She’d also been introduced to how quick he could open a safe without the combination when she “forgot” the combination to her husband’s safe. And through a series of other mishaps, she’d been schooled in his skill with armaments of any variation. She’d heard the stories, now she knew the man. So, if he wanted to play the buffoon and howl with laughter for a few moments at her expense she’d allow it…this time. But Lordy, she wished he’d be quick about it, she was about to melt in a pool of blue satin from all the clothes she was layered in, from bloomers, to corset, to the indigo dress she’d worn with the infernal feather hat to match. It was a dress her late husband brought back to her from his last trip to Australia. Jim saw her in it once when he took her out to a celebratory supper. He’d fallen ill the next day, and the dress was hidden in mothballs until she aired it out two days ago for her meeting this morning. The pain in her left hand alerted her that memories were causing her to clamp down too hard. She cleared her throat in an effort to speed things along. The sheriff’s laughter died with a sputter as his gaze met hers and his right eyebrow hitched. “You’re not laughin’?” “Because it wasn’t a joke, Sheriff Avery. I want you to help me rob a train.” Copyright Prairie Rose Publications, Kirsten Lynn, 2015 COVER REVEAL: HEARTS IN WINTERYAY!! Here’s the fabulous cover for my upcoming release HEARTS IN WINTER! Christmas Eve, 1894…
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