YEEEE-HAW!!! Y’all will wanna turn that nag around and head over to the campfire today for sure.  Today, I’m featuring books by Cheryl Pierson and Elizabeth Lane two authors who know their cowboys and what makes a story ace-high.

To make this a regular hog killin’ time, Cheryl Pierson offered to giveaway a copy of all her stories mentioned today!! So Cookie will be hoppin’ tonight pulling FOUR names out of the hat!

Now let’s get all the ballyhoo taken care of before we get to the fun.  Leave a good e-mail address (where required) for a chance to win. **E-copies only of all prizes for foreign winners.** The first name out of the hat wins a copy of TIME PLAINS DRIFTER (autographed print copy or e-book choice for U.S. winner, e-book for foreign winner).  The other three winners will receive an e-book copy of one of Cheryl Pierson’s short stories featured!

Since my trusty nag, wordpress, gave me the slow roll this mornin’ I’m gonna extend the contest and won’t draw the winner ’til first light tomorrow.  So commence to commentin’!

Now let’s get on to the good stuff! (Remember bold print is official blurb my comments trail behind)

Trapped in Indian Territory in 1895 by a quirk of nature, high school teacher Jenni Dalton must find a way to get her seven students back to 2010. Handsome U.S. Marshal Rafe d’Angelico seems like the answer to her prayers: he is, after all, an Angel. In a race against time and evil, Rafe has one chance to save Jenni’s life and her soul from the Dark One – but can their love survive?

If you enjoy time travel stories read TIME PLAINS DRIFTER! If you’ve never read a time travel book, or don’t think you want to…READ TIME PLAINS DRIFTER! The time travel is the most realistic explanation for time travel I’ve read and then you add in the paranormal elements tied to Rafe, and really Cheryl Pierson lassoed it all together so beautifully you just have to read it. Rafe d’Angelico is rugged, tortured, and swoon worthy (I actually swooned… more than once) the perfect old West lawman. Jenni, from present day Oklahoma, is gutsy and determined enough to hold her own in 1895 Indian Territory. The only thing I can say against Jenni is she gets Rafe, and here I was reading up on time travel methods. The secondary characters are legendary, and if Rafe and Jenni weren’t such a fantastic hero and heroine the others could steal the show. Heart pounding action scenes and love scenes, good versus evil (and did I mention a swoon worthy hero) make TIME PLAINS DRIFTER a must read!

Time Plains Drifter (Amazon)                  Time Plains Drifter (Nook)

Don’t forget to check out Cheryl’s other fabulous stories available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords! Westerns, Western Romance, and Contemporary you won’t be disappointed in any of this author’s works. I couldn’t choose just one so below are three of my favorites from her short story collection. But JASON’S ANGEL gets a special tip of my hat. This story could have been five hundred pages and I’d still want more. 









San Francisco Lawman Flynn O’Rourke swore he’d bring his sister’s killer to justice.  So when suspect Aaron Cragun is identified, Flynn will do anything, even rent a boat and sail to Cragun’s remote home to find him.  But Flynn doesn’t anticipate the storm that wrecks his boat, the injury that erases his memory…or the beautiful woman who rescues him. 

Sweet Sylvie is loving and kind—and Aaron Cragun’s daughter.  As Flynn’s memory returns, will the lawman keep his vow or allow himself to fall for the one woman forbidden to him? 

THE LAWMAN’S VOW is MAGIC from the setting to the hero and heroine and the secondary characters. Elizabeth Lane brings readers a story to grab a cup of coffee or tea and get swept away. Flynn O’Rourke is kind, generous, but don’t worry he’s still tough enough to take on the bad guys. Oh, and did I mention he smolders (literally I smelled smoke and realized it was my Kindle).  His interactions with Sylvie and her young brother are so tender you’re sure to melt. I was a bit worried when I read the blurb that Sylvie might be a bit flighty or annoying in her innocence, but Elizabeth Lane did a wonderful job of making Sylvie loving and innocent, but also an intelligent young woman whose strength is in her heart and her determination to protect those she loves. You end up rooting for these two to overcome all that stands between them and find their happily ever after.  THE LAWMAN’s VOW is a bit different in that it’s not a shoot ‘em up Western, but this is a story you’re sure to enjoy!

The Lawman’s Vow (Amazon)                The Lawman’s Vow (Nook)

Below are three of my favorites from Elizabeth Lane’s vast selection. You can find Elizabeth’s books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or e-Harlequin. I have to give special mention to CHRISTMAS MOON. I read this story in December and the characters are still with me. Winter, spring, summer, fall,  I would recommend this book anytime. My only warning is once you start reading you won’t stop.








  1. What a great site you have, Kirsten. Love the Western background and the great book reviews. Cheryl Pearson is a gifted author. I especially love her beautiful style.
    And thanks for your kind comments about THE LAWMAN’S VOW. Have a great day, everyone.

    • Thank you so much, Elizabeth! So glad you could stop by today and say Hi! It’s easy to say nice things about THE LAWMAN’S VOW, because it’s such a great book. :o)

    • So happy you saw the campfire and came on over, Marianne! I hope you’ll like it here and cowboys and those who love them are always welcome ’round my fire! :o)

  2. Hi Kirsten!
    Thank you so much for featuring me today! What a fantastic honor to be here on your first post for your new blog! And I’m in wonderful company with Elizabeth, one of my favorite authors and my “filly sister” from Petticoats and Pistols.

    I appreciate your very kind words about Time Plains Drifter and all my work, and thanks again for having me today–I got kind of a slow start myself here, but will check back later on in the day when I get home from my errand-running. Great blog, Kirsten–I just love the colors, background, and setup.


    • Cheryl! It so great that you and Elizabeth both stopped by today! Like I told her, it’s easy to say good things about such fantastic stories. And thank you for your kind words about the site. It’s a nice “online” home. :o)

    • Ditto, to everything you just said about Cheryl’s books and her wonderful heroes! Definitely, try out Elizabeth’s THE LAWMAN’S VOW, you’ll enjoy her book, too!

      • Sorry Maggie, I forgot to name you in my original reply! And thanks again for hunkerin’ down at the campfire for a spell! :o)

  3. Hi Kirsten!! You know I’m a sucker for a good cowboy story!! I love finding new-to-me authors. Thank you for bringing us great authors in a fun way. *smiles and waves* Hugs, Rach 🙂

    • Hey Rach! Thanks so much for stopping in, I know you’re super busy! Hope you’ll try Cheryl and Elizabeth’s books, you’ll love ’em! *Huge smiles and big waves*

  4. Interesting. I’llhave to drop by again. I like you page, and the story looks worth reading. (I’m a writer, too. Nine on the market, five western theme, all of them some romance, two are western/historical romances.)

    • Hi Lee! Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you’ll come by often! Thanks for the kind words about the site, and Cheryl and Elizabeth are authors definitely worth reading! So great to meet another author, and lovers of the west and westerns are welcome ’round my campfire anytime!

  5. Kirsten, I love your website and how nice to have one more place to feature western romances! I love both Cheryl’s and Elizabeth’s books. And please don’t put me in the drawing because I’ve already read them. I can’t say enough about these fabulous stories. They’re real keepers in my book. I’m proud to know these talented ladies.

    • Hi Linda! It’s so nice of you to stop by, and thank you for the very kind words about the site and about Cheryl and Elizabeth’s fantastic stories! They are definitely books for the keeper shelf! :o)

  6. What a good site this is. I’ve not seen one just like it. Very generous of Kirsten to showcase Western authors. I know all about all of Cheryl’s books, and readers won’t be disappointed in any of them!
    I don’t know Elizabeth Lane’s books, but they certainly look like winners!

    • Thank you, Celia, for all your very kind words about my site and Cheryl’s books. Definitely, read Elizabeth Lane’s stories, they’re so wonderful you’re sure to love whichever you chose. I have to say it’s nice to have so many Western authors I hope to feature in the future stopping by, and you are one of them. And until I enter into the hollowed ranks of published author, I’m thrilled I can feature all those who inspire me to keep writing. :o)

    • Hi Mona! Glad you could stop by and support Cheryl and I hope you will check out Elizabeth’s books, you won’t be sorry. Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog! Hope you’ll come back often.

  7. Hi Cheryl: Thanks for introducing me to this site thru FB. Love the western background and the western romance talk. I have Jason’s Angel up next on my Kindle. Looking forward to reading it. I do love the name, Jason.

    • Hi Julie, Glad you like the site. Thanks for stopping by and supporting Cheryl, and hopefully you’ll come back again. Hope you’ll check out Elizabeth’s books, as well.

  8. Lovely blog, Kristen. And I enjoyed reading about your guests, Cheryl and Elizabeth. I know cherly’s work already and I’m sure Elizabeth has wonderful books, too. And good luck with your own careet, Kristen. Just keep on keeping on and your dreams will come ture.

    • Thank you so much, Linda, for your wonderfully kind words of encouragement. I hope you’ll come back to the campfire often now that you know the trail.

  9. First off Kirsten, what a beautiful web site. I love the mountains in the background; and oh what a sexy cowboy!!! As soon as I leave here, I’m going over to Amazon and download both “Time Plains Drifter” and Elizabeth’s “The Lawman’s Vow”! Cheryl, I absolutely love “Homecoming” and used it, as you know, in my class as a perfect example of one of the most memorable endings I’ve ever read … and I’ve read a lot of ‘um. Love the web site and all of you all, Phyliss

    • Phyliss, You are too kind. I appreciate you stopping by, and it sounds like you’ll have some great reading downloaded soon! I know you’ll love both stories. I know your comment about HOMECOMING is for Cheryl, but I just have to agree about it’s memorable ending. I hope you’ll stop by again, and he doesn’t do much but the cowboy sure does dress up the place! :o)

      • Just wanted to say a quick thank you to both of you for your kind words about Homecoming. I appreciate that so much–that story was one that I wasn’t sure would ever be “sale-able” and it turned out to be one of my most popular short stories. Thanks again!

  10. Hi Kirsten, such a lovely site! I sure love the look you’ve got going. And I sure love the ladies you featured…both good friends! Long live the western romance and those who write them!

    • Hi Tanya! I think it’s wonderful how you filly sisters are all supporting Cheryl and Elizabeth! They are both wonderful women and authors, and I’m proud to feature them today. And I’ll give a hearty second to a long life for western romance and all you wonderful authors who write them and inspire others to do so, also. :o)

    • Charlene, Thank you for the kind compliment on my site. And if you like hot cowboys (which I know you do and you know how to serve them up, too) and Western roundups you’re definitely in the right spot! It’s been a pleasure featuring Cheryl and Elizabeth.

  11. WOW, thanks to everyone who popped in today to comment around the old campfire here at Kirsten’s blog. I love the looks of the blog and the set up, too–very user-friendly, which is important! Thanks so much to all our “filly sisters” who came over to support Elizabeth and me today, and to everyone else from all over who landed here and commented. I’ve been out running my legs off today, so I’m going to go eat a late dinner, then work some on my WIP, but just wanted to say how lovely it’s been to be a guest here and thank you, Kirsten for inviting me to participate! I wish you much success with this fantastic blog and with your writing. Thanks again! And thanks to everyone who stopped by.

    • Thanks for stopping by to grab another cup of Arbuckle’s from Cookie as you fly by, Cheryl! You’re welcome here anytime and I hope you’ll come back soon! :o)

  12. Kirsten, I wish I could get paid to read! I’ll definitely keep these in mind the next time I’m looking for a book.

    • Amen to that, Alison! There are just too many good books and too little time, but picking up one from one of these authors is a great choice! Thanks so much for stopping by!! :o)

    • Caroline, I’m glad Cheryl sent you over to the campfire! Hope you’ll come back often for coffee, cowboys and all things great about the West and Westerns!

  13. Love the blog:) I also LOVE Cheryl’s stories– always so good! Elizabeth is new to me so I’ll have to give her a try. I love Westerns:)

    wayfaringwriter at gmail dot com

    • Thank you, Brenda! I’m glad you stopped by the campfire. Please do try, Elizabeth, I know you’ll enjoy her stories. And you’re so right, Cheryl’s stories are a guaranteed good read.

  14. I”m so glad Cheryl directed me over to this blog, it’s beautiful and filled with Western romance. I’ll keep coming back to find new authors of my favorite sub-genre of books. I’m so glad that with Indie publishing we’re finally seeing so many wonderful new Westerns. I can’t wait to load these up on my Kindle.

    • Deborah, I’m glad Cheryl directed you over to the campfire, as well. Thank you so much for your kind comments, and I hope you’ll visit often!

  15. I’m not a big fan of westerns or of time travels, but I still loved Times Plains Drifter! For anyone who does love either, it’s definitely a must read.

    Kirsten, good luck with your new blog! Nice way to start. 🙂

  16. Time Plains Drifter was a great story. I loved it. Although I have Every Girl’s Dream, I don’t believe I have actually read it yet. I know. Unimaginable. There is nothing Cheryl writes that I don’t love, be it a western or a contemporary. She just sparkles with her talent.

    • You’re so right, Sarah. I can’t say there’s anything I’ve read of Cheryl’s that I didn’t love, either. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you’ll come back.

  17. The Lawman’s Vow looks like a wild ride of a read and that cover is sensational. Elizabeth Lane looks like she’s got it going on with plenty of conflict and a sweet romance. Although she is a new-to-me author, I’d love to read her work based on that great excerpt.

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