Thank y’all for comin’ on over to the campfire! You’ve probably been wonderin’ about Cookie and me…then again maybe not! We’ve been on a break, but don’t fret we’ll be back on the trail soon. I’ve been knee deep in writin’ and Cookie has been knee deep in…well y’all know! So please don’t give up on us and keep checkin’ back! In the meantime enjoy the Saturday story RACE TO MARRY!

We sure do appreciate y’all hangin’ in there with us!

–Kirsten Lynn


4 thoughts on “PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT!!

  1. Missed you Miss Kirsten. I just hope Cookie hasn’t too gotten too mired in the you-know-what. He’s the best coffee maker and you really need him. Wishing you lots and lots of luck with the story you’re writing!

    • Thanks so much, Linda! And ol’ Cookie will be back behind the campfire soon! I’ve missed the blog, too, but between work, writing, life and the blog something had to give and the blog lost! :o) Just as soon as I can wrangle this hero and heroine, we’ll be back!

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • That darn ol’ coot out playin’ while I’m hunkered down writing! I hope he’s keepin’ his hands inside the coaster and not wavin’ ’em about like a darn fool. :o)

      Thanks, Lorrie, for your kind words about RACE TO MARRY! I sure do appreciate it!

      –Kirsten Lynn

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