WHOO-EEE!!!  It is another blazen hot day here on the trail and all ‘cause Ms. Linda Broday came ridin’ up to the campfire with two heart seizin’ cowboys, and two stories that are guaranteed to touch the ol’ ticker (and if they don’t well I’d head to the nearest sawbones and make sure alls workin’ proper in that area)! WHEW! The fire just got a whole lot hotter with Duel and Luke takin’ up space!

To sweeten whatever that is in Cookie’s pot, Ms. Broday is givin’ away one ebook (Kindle only) copy of KNIGHT ON THE TEXAS PLAIN and THE COWBOY WHO CAME CALLING!!!  That means two commenters have a chance at takin’ home a cowboy today! Just leave a comment and before I break a tooth on Cookie’s biscuits tomorrow mornin’ I’ll draw two names.

Be sure to read the inspirations for these stories, as touching as the stories themselves!

A man who’s lost everything that matters…a child no one wants…and a woman with trouble to spare.

Duel McClain sees no reason to keep taking up space on this earth until a poker game changes everything and he leaves the saloon with a baby in his arms, a baby he’d won. He hasn’t a clue what to do with the child. He only knows he’ll protect the little girl with his life if need be. Thinking his life can’t get more complicated, he gets another shock when a woman stumbles into the light of his campfire.

Jessie Foltry is running for her life. She’s hungry and afraid but the man and his child pose little threat. Trusting Duel is the easy part…living without her knight on the Texas plains will be next to impossible.

But is the price too high to become a family?

KIRSTEN’S THOUGHTS:  Three lost and broken individuals find healing with each other and form a complete family. Warmth spreads through my chest just thinking of this story and the people Linda Broday brought into my home and left in my heart. Duel McClain *Huge Sigh* is truly a knight in buckskin.  A man trying to avoid anything involving his heart can’t stop a heart the size of Texas from rescuing a sweet little girl and a shattered woman. I mean really I don’t know how many times I felt my mouth stretch in a smile at his interactions with his family and little Marley, or just want to cry at his gentle spirit and healing ways with Jessie. But there’s no mistaking this gentle giant leaves a Texas sized boot print on the backside of anyone who threatens his family.

And Jesse, talk about a heroine you can root for even as your heart breaks for her past. And boy does this woman have a lot to overcome from a past so steeped in horror and pain it would take a man like Duel to show her the world isn’t only made of darkness as she brings light to his world, as well. I loved watching her bloom under Duel’s tenderness and both of them find joy in little Marley (who if you just don’t love to death…well you need to get off my trail).  Jessie easily became one of my favorite heroines. For all she’d been through and the abuse she took, she could have easily been bitter and hard, but instead instantly cares and coddles Marley and aches for the love of kindhearted Duel.

A secondary character who snatches your heart will be Duel’s father, and equally goodhearted man who longs for his children to find happiness and peace. There are plenty of lighthearted moments, and the town of Tranquility and the people come to life in vivid color under Ms. Broday’s skilled pen, but I’ll warn you have tissue nearby there are some moments that steal your breath, and cause your eyes to leak.


Another secondary character who I could have loved if Duel hadn’t already stolen my heart was Luke McClain, and it just so happens…


Luke McClain thought the worst of his problems was losing his job as a Texas Ranger. That’s before he runs into a bullet and finds  himself staring into the beautiful eyes of Glory Day. She’s the kind of woman who can make a man forget everything…except finding the way to her heart. Calling on her is the answer to a dream, but leaving her is next to dying.

Glory has had more trouble in her life than most women her age. With her mother ill and her father in prison, she’s all that stands between her sisters and starvation. Then to top everything off she had to go and shoot Luke. Bringing him home and patching him up is the least she can do. She just never expected to find heaven in his arms.

But the real question is…can the meddlesome cowboy be tamed?

KIRSTEN’S THOUGHTS: Two people deep in shadows of struggles they’re trying to hide, find in each other the vision that might lead them to their deepest desires. Okay, Luke is not a calming, gentle force like his brother, Duel.  Luke is a teasing, smart-mouthed rogue more likely to stir a fire than douse the flame, and he keeps Glory caught between wanting to kiss him and shoot him. So she does both! But I’ve always loved teasing, smart-mouthed rogues so I of course I love Luke McClain and his Texas sized mouth and ego. Because you always know beneath all that swagger is a man who’s struggling with a big hurt and a heart in need of a strong love and a lesson in true strength.

Glory Day can meet Luke flame for flame, but her fire doesn’t stem from teasing or self-assurance, her drive is contrived of preservation, hers and her family.  Her burdens are about to top out, and then she faces the loss of her eyesight, making all her struggles that much heavier. Glory is a heroine who grabs your heart. Glory is a young woman who is always told how strong and brave she is, and all she wants is someone who will share her load and stand by her side as she fights her battles. Good thing, Luke McClain comes calling.  (Another tissue alert folks the ending caused Cookie to get a “little smoke in his eye’).

As in KNIGHT ON THE TEXAS PLAINS, the secondary characters in COWBOY CAME CALLING are priceless. I won’t go into each, but you’re sure to love Glory’s sisters; Quiet, loving Hope with a hidden strength to rival Glory’s, and rowdy, sassy Patience who only wants to be like her oldest sister. As Luke noted the sisters reminded me a lot of the sisters in LITTLE WOMEN (their favorite story).


Both of these stories are just brilliant. You will truly become a part of the story, Linda does such a fabulous job of breathing life into every character and place. The family dynamics both the McClains and the Days are so true to life it’s like sitting in their kitchens, parlors and living rooms and participating in all the antics you’d expect with siblings.



When I growing up, our family lived next door to a Latino couple and they had a little girl who played with me sometimes. I learned that she was won in a poker game by the man who posed as her father. He was a horrible drunk and made her life miserable. She always told me she was going to look for her real parents some day. That was the inspiration for Knight on the Texas Plains. I knew I had to write a story that was similar to hers except I wanted to give her a happy ending.

Then when I wrote The Cowboy Who Came Calling I was struggling with deteriorating eyesight because of a disease I have. It seemed no matter what I did we couldn’t stop the progression. It was a very scary time for me. In the book the heroine Glory Day has to face losing her vision. That wasn’t good for someone who was the sole support of her mother and two sisters. I totally related to Glory and was able to immerse myself in her character. Maybe that’s one reason that book is so strong and won the National Readers’ Choice Award.

Make sure to check out other must read stories by Linda Broday. This lady knows how to write about cowboys and the women who love them, so if you’re lookin’ for a yarn for ‘round the campfire just carry one of these in your saddle bags. But make sure ya start with KNIGHT ON THE TEXAS PLAINS and THE COWBOY WHO CAME CALLING!



  1. Both books sound like good reads. My “to read” list is getting out of hand. I have a Nook, so pick my name 🙁

    • Hi Alison! Hopefully, they’ll be available on Nook soon, because both are great reads! I hear ya about the TBR pile. I keep thinking I’ll dig out and then end up adding a few more. :o)

    • Allison, thank you for stopping by to chat. At some point my books will be on Nook so I’d love it if you keep me in mind. The important thing is to keep reading. Books can take you anywhere you want to go without leaving home. Have a good day.

  2. My deepest thanks to Kirsten for displaying my books in such a wonderful way. You have a great “eye” for arranging a blog. And your comments brought tears. Both of these stories are so special to me. Duel and Jessie and Luke and Glory will always live in my heart.

    • Hi Linda! You are more than welcome, and Duel, Jessie, Luke and Glory have all stolen a bit of my heart, as well. Thank you for trusting me to feature their stories, and for your kind words about the blog! You’re welcome ’round my campfire anytime!

      –Kirsten Lynn

  3. I discovered Linda Broday when I read the anthologies you’ve pictured in this post, Kirsten. She’s a pro at tugging heartstrings. I’ve added both of these books to my TBR list, which I imagine is as out of control as Alison’s. Still, Linda is on my favorite authors list. Thanks for reviewing these books! 🙂

    • Hi Kathleen! Always a pleasure seeing you ’round the campfire, and I know you have a keen eye for those Texas cowboys! :o) You’ll LOVE these stories, both Duel and Luke are swoon worthy and Jessie and Glory are the perfect gals to win their hearts. Thanks for mentioning the anthologies all terrific reads, as well.

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Bless you, Kathleen! It thrills my heart to hear from satisfied readers. Hopefully, you’ll give these a try. At any rate, keep looking for stories that keep you turning the pages and burning the midnight oil.

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Mary! The name Duel is so great! Every time I typed it, I thought the same thing “I should steal this name.” But Linda’s Duel is so wonderful, I’d end up typecasting. :o)

    • Mary, I’m so glad you came by for a chat. You’re welcome to steal Duel’s name. I stole it from the TV western called Desperado that featured Alex McArthur. His name was Duel on the show. And it sounded like a good fit for my character who was an ex-bounty hunter and a loner. Thanks for the company, Filly sister.

  4. Hi Linda! I just ordered from Amazon . . . Gotta love one-click shoppiing for the Kindle! The thought of baby won in a poker game is just so poignant. I’m already hooked!

    • Hi Vicki! Good to have you ’round the fire! You will love Duel and that sweet baby he wins in a poker game!

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Vicki, thanks for stopping by. And big thanks for buying Knight on the Texas Plains. I hope you’ll like it. Yes, one-click shopping at Amazon is a breeze. So fast and easy.

  5. Truth remains stranger (and more sad) than fiction. What a terrible story for that little girl. I did that once too, Linda–took a real child’s story and made it mine with a happy ending. That’s why we write romance, isn’t it? Giving hope through stories.

    Cher 🙂

    • Hi Cheryl!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I was so glad Linda shared her inspirations for both stories, both so poignant.

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Hi Cher! Thanks for popping over to check this wonderful site out. I still think of my childhood playmate and wonder if she ever found happiness. I lost track of her when I left home. It was a very sad situation. But it stayed on my mind all these years and I knew I had to write this story someday. It’s very special to me. Yes, we always have to give our romance stories a happy ending.

  6. Hi friend, although I had read both books years ago, it was fun reliving them recently! They are winners and I can see why you’d jump at the chance of getting them on e-books, too. I can hardly wait to read Marley Rose’s story … oops, was that supposed to be a secret? If so, it probably isn’t any longer. Big hugs, Phyliss

    PS: Kirsten, I love your website!!!

    • Thanks so much, Phyliss! So glad you stopped by and like the homestead. :o) And thanks for sharing the secret! ;o) What’s said on the trail, stays on the trail.

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Phyllis, how nice of you to hitch up your wagon and follow the trail over here. Kirsten is an excellent hostess. She keeps refilling my coffee cup and making sure I don’t want for anything. Shoot, I don’t mind if you spill the beans. The truth is I did write Marley Rose’s story when she’s all grown up and the truth comes out that Duel won her in a poker game. Couldn’t find a publisher for it though so I’ll most likely convert it to an e-book and share it with my readers that way. But, I can’t mess with it until I finish the book I’m working. It’s an inspirational romance that’s set not far from where I live in a place called Ransom Canyon. I don’t have a contract on it yet but with any luck will have one soon. Can’t wait until you get your own e-book up so I can read it. 🙂

      • Well, we’ll just keep the coffee flowing as more secrets are revealed! I hope you do publish Marley Rose’s story, Linda! I’d love to meet her as a young woman and see her find her own HEA.

        You’re inspirational sounds good, too. I like the name Ransom Canyon. My dad’s name is Ransom and I always thought it was such a great name, even though he’s always hated it. :o)

        Hope to see lots more from you and Phyliss!

        • Kirsten, when I get the Marley Rose story ready to put up as an e-book I’ll be sure and let you know. It’s been written for quite a few years. I’m so grateful that the e-book market has taken off. It not only gives me an opportunity to get my three earlier books out again but it offers another alternative when I can’t find a buyer for a book.

          Do you mind me asking what you write?

          • Thank you, Linda! I’ll definitely want to snatch that one up!

            Of course I don’t mind you asking what I write! :o) I have six completed Western historical romances. My heroes, who I love to death and each one becomes my favorite depending on which story I’m working on or reading, range from ranchers, lawmen, Western artists, and a soldier/carpenter, and my heroines keep them on their toes. :o) Two take place in Montana, one in Dakota but the other three take place in Wyoming and that is where my current WIP takes place. I grew up in Wyoming and it’s the land of my heart, so I tend to return there when my heroes and heroines let me. I also relate to the land and people in these stories. But I lived in Montana for 11 years, and loved it so that made it easy to write those, and my hero in the story that takes place in Dakota couldn’t really go back to Wyoming and I’d just visited a friend in North Dakota and found that area perfect for the story. I’m currently in that stage of sending out numerous queries, crossing fingers, toes and sending up prayers someone will love the story and my people like I do. The manuscript I’ve sent out is about a Confederate Captain who returned to his Virginia home to find it destroyed and his family all murdered…or so he thought, so he heads out to Montana and a new life. But the heroine is very much alive and searching high and low for him…and with her grit she finds him.

            Okay that’s enough of my blabbing. You get me started on my people and I can’t shut up, they’re my kids you know. :o) Thanks so much for asking!

            –Kirsten Lynn

    • Hi Kaki! So good to have you visit the campfire! Another woman who really knows her cowboys! :o) I wish you were able to have your name in the hat, as well. These books are so wonderful! Hope you get a chance to read them soon. :o)

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Hi Kaki! Wow, this is great! I love your books. Seems like each one is even better than the last one. I’m sure looking forward to your new one coming out in June. It’s already on my list to buy.

  7. Thank you, Kirsten. I love hearing what other authors are writing about. Have you tried entering your stories in writing contests? The reason I ask is because that’s how I got published. I entered a contest by Dorchester Publishing called The New Historical Voice Contest. I sent them Knight on the Texas Plains and they loved it. They immediately called and said they were taking me out of the contest because they wanted to publish it. The only thing was I had to wait until the contest was over and the winner announced. But that’s how I got the book into print and then they bought the next two. If I were you, I’d enter as many contests as I can. And especially those where the final judges are editors. It’s an excellent way to get noticed.

    Besides my home state of Texas, I really really like stories set in Montana and Wyoming.

    Just keep trying everything you can. Keep your eyes and ears open. Never ever give up. If one thing doesn’t work try something else. You’ll make it if you have the desire burning in your gut. Wishing you lots of luck

    • I appreciate you asking, Linda! And thank you for the great advice. You know, I haven’t entered any of these in contests. I entered a couple of my romantic/suspense (when I first started writing) and they were great for feedback, and actually I received some really encouraging comments. I’ll have to look at some upcoming contests and see where I can enter some of my Westerns.

      Thank you so much for the encouragement. At times it can get a bit daunting, but I just can’t imagine doing anything else. I praise God daily for the gift of writing, it is a true blessing in my life. And you don’t have to worry about me giving up I just know it’ll all come together! Thanks so much for the support and encouragement!

      –Kirsten Lynn

      • Are you member of Romance Writers of America? They’ve been instrumental to me being where I am. Not only do they have great articles on writing, but they also list each month’s contests. Or if you’re not a member of RWA are you in any writing groups?

        • Yes, I am a member of RWA and also belong to their Hearts through History chapter, where I’m the membership chair and teach a few of their Bootcamp online classes. I also judged the chapter contest for Hearts through History. Both RWA and the chapter have been great! And even though my current manuscripts aren’t inspirational I belong to ACFW and have taken advantage of their online writing courses, which was a super boost for me when I first started writing three years ago. I didn’t know anything about POV or conflict or…well anything and their courses saved a newbie. I also just got involved with the Facebook group for Western Romance and they’ve been a wonderful group, extremely supportive.

          –Kirsten Lynn

          • Believe you me, He gets an earful! But you know it’s funny, I don’t think I could stop even if the rejections pile sky high! I just visiting all these people and places way too much! :o) I sure do appreciate you asking and giving suggestions, Linda! It can be a lonely trail, and it’s always nice when someone takes an interest. :o)

          • Linda, I received this comment on Facebook she couldn’t get her message posted here, but I wanted you to see the comment, as well. And I’ll be putting Donya’s name in the hat! It’s not her fault the mule was actin’ up this mornin’. :o)

            Donya Oxley Claxton: I loved it! I just tried to enter the contest and it gave me an error message. I love Linda Broday!

            –Kirsten Lynn

  8. Wowzer…both of these sound delightful. As soon as I’ve finished posting, I’m heading over to claim ’em & nestle them into my Kindle. Thanks for the reviews…as you know, I’m all about hunky cowboys–rugged sorts in need of a good woman. Duel & Luke…awesome, indeed. **hugs**…☺

    • Oh, Cindy, I know you’ll appreciate Duel and Luke in all their hunkyness! And you surely know what a hunk is! Thanks for visiting the campfire today! Grab a cup of Arbuckle’s enjoy! :o)

    • Oh, I like that Anne, showing the extraordinary in the ordinary man! And Linda does do that so well. Thanks so much for stopping by!

      –Kirsten Lynn

  9. I love how you’ve incorporated elements of your real-life into your stories. I think that makes your stories stronger…because you can write with strong emotion as you truly feel it. Best of luck with your sales!

    • Hi Lacey! Thanks so much for stopping by. Weren’t those inspirations just beautiful? I agree with you when real life in incorporated into stories, the emotion is right there. Hope you’ll come back soon!

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Hi Lacey! Thank you for stopping by and chatting. As I tell people all the time….I was a writer in training from the moment I was born. All the experiences I’ve had turned out to be just fodder for my books. I always knew things happened to me for a reason.

    • Both of these stories are so beautiful, Ally, I’m sure you’d enjoy either or both! :o) I so appreciate you stopping by the campfire this evening!

      –Kirsten Lynn

    • Ally, I love your name. I may have to borrow it for a book sometime. I’m glad you like the my book covers. Can you believe a 17 year old girl, the granddaughter to my writer friend Phyliss Miranda designed these. Emma has exceptional talent and she’s a sweet young lady.

      • Not to interrupt, but I can’t believe a 17 year old designed these covers! They’re gorgeous! I’d say she has a career ahead of her.

        –Kirsten Lynn

  10. Kirsten, thank you for posting Donya’s Facebook post. It certainly made my day. You have the nicest readers on here. I’m tickled to death to meet every one of ’em.

    • You’re welcome, Linda! I was sorry Donya couldn’t get her post to work, and I sure wanted you to see it. I have to agree I’ve had nothing but the nicest people come to the campfire and I appreciate their support! :o)

    • LOL! Linda, I know, it’s like I always say by the end of the day I’m out of fingers and toes to count! :o) I’m sorry it’s a pain, but my website designer told me it would keep out those nasty spammers. Thanks for hanging in there!

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